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Best Doctors For Brain Tumor in India

 Brain tumor cases have increased worldwide. Changes in work routines and lack of understanding of how to deal with mental health.

What is Brain Tumor? How expensive is the surgery?

A brain tumor may or may not be a cancerous mass or an abnormal cell growth in the brain. Tumors may start in the brain, or cancers in other parts of the body may spread to the brain.

The symptoms you are looking for are new or worsening headaches, blurred vision, loss of balance, confusion and seizures. In some cases, there may be no symptoms. Treatment includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

List of Best Doctors for Brain Tumor In India

Get the most experienced and the best doctors for Brain tumors in India from the top hospitals. As we mentioned that if you choose us, you will not be worried about the quality. Look through these names:

1) BLK Hospital, Delhi

  • Dr. Atul Prasad
  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Consultant, 26 years of experience

Dr. Rajiv Anand

  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Director, 35 years of experience

Dr. Mukesh Mohan Gupta

  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Senior Consultant, 15 years of experience

2) Fortis Hospital, Delhi NCR

  • Dr. Rahul Gupta
  • Neurosurgeon, Noida, India
  • Director, 18 years of experience

Dr. Jyoti B Sharma

  • Neurologist, Noida, India
  • Director, 11 years of experience

3) Apollo Hospital, Delhi NCR

  • Dr. Rajagopalan Krishnan
  • Spine Surgeon, New Delhi, India
  • Senior Consultant, 24 years of experience

Dr. Sudhir Tyagi

  • Neurosurgeon, New Delhi, India
  • Consultant, 25 years of experience

Dr. Veena Kalra

  • Pediatric Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Senior Consultant, 37 years of experience

Dr. Ravi Bhatia

  • Neurosurgeon, New Delhi, India
  • Senior Consultant, 49 years of experience

4) Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pan India

  • Dr. Vinod Puri
  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • HOD, 34 years of experience

Dr. Puneet Agarwal

  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Associate Director, 21 years of experience

Dr. Anand Kumar Saxena

  • Neurologist, New Delhi, India
  • Consultant, 25 years of experience

5) Medanta The Medicity, Delhi NCR

  • Dr. Vineesh Mathur
  • Spine Surgeon, Gurgaon, India
  • Director, 28 years of experience

Dr. Arun Garg

  • Neurologist, Gurgaon, India
  • Director, 26 years of experience

Dr. Sudhir Dubey

  • Spine Surgeon, Gurgaon, India
  • Associate Director, 16 years of experience

6) Lilavati Hospital And Research Centre, Mumbai

  • Dr. Mohit Bhatt
  • Neurologist, Mumbai, India
  • Director, 32 years of experience

Dr. Pravina Shah

  • Neurologist, Mumbai, India
  • Consultant, 45 years of experience

Dr. Sushil Tandel

Neurologist, Mumbai, India

Consultant, 22 years of experience

Dr. Batuk Diyora

Neurosurgeon, Mumbai, India

Consultant, 20 years of experience

7) Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai

Dr. Pradyumna Oak

Neurologist, Mumbai, India

Consultant, 22 years of experience

Dr. Neeta Shah

Neurologist, Mumbai, India

Consultant, 46 years of experience

Dr. Bapuji N. Sawant

Neurologist, Mumbai, India

Consultant, 44 years of experience

If you want to get an appointment or consultation with the best doctors for brain tumor in India then just drop your queries on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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