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Best Psoriasis Treatment in Delhi

Psoriasis is one of those diseases that can affect anyone at any age. If you have psoriasis, don't ignore it. If you are looking for psoriasis treatment in Delhi, GoMedii can help you find the best and most affordable medical treatment options. We partner with top-class hospitals and doctors across Delhi and India. Simply submit your request and our team will get back to you.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which skin cells grow rapidly. The skin pattern is usually present for a month, but during psoriasis, skin cells form regularly, leading to the development of skin cells, which are whitish-silver scaly structures with thick red patches. Redness and irritation occur around the scales. Dandruff usually occurs on joints such as elbows and knees, but it can also occur on other places such as the scalp, face, neck, hands, and feet.

Treating psoriasis is one approach to help control the condition and reduce side effects in the long term. Psoriasis treatment in Delhi depends on the type, size, and location of psoriasis. A dermatologist will take a close look at the patient's current condition and initiate treatment options to relieve symptoms and control the situation. Treatment options for psoriasis include:

Phototherapy: Also known as phototherapy. The skin should be exposed to the sun or a UV source to reduce side effects. Professionals use special equipment and instruments to control exposure.

Topical treatments – Your doctor may recommend various moisturizers, creams, ointments, arrangements, and sprites to reduce inflammation. Steroids control exacerbations and interfere with skin cell development.

Systemic Medications: If psoriasis spreads throughout the body and is moderate to extreme, a specialist may recommend systemic medications. about the whole body

Systemic medications recommended when psoriasis develops include vitamin A, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and azathioprine.

Biologic Therapies – Biologics target precise parts of the immune system and work by focusing on the cause rather than the side effects. However, biologics may be used when people do not get help from other drugs. This treatment administers a variety of medications, including intravenous fluids and tablets for psoriasis patients.

How much does psoriasis treatment cost in Delhi?

The cost of psoriasis treatment depends on many factors. The first doctor will check the patient's condition and inform you of the exact cost. Book a dermatologist appointment online and get advice.

How many types of psoriasis are there?

There are seven types of psoriasis. It includes:

  • Plaque Psoriasis
  • Inverse Psoriasis
  • Guttate Psoriasis
  • Pustular Psoriasis
  • Nail Psoriasis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Best Hospitals In Delhi For Psoriasis Treatment

  • Blk Super Speciality Hospital, Rajinder Nagar, Delhi
  •  Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, Delhi
  •  Fortis Heart Hospital, Okhla, Delhi
  •  Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, Delhi

What Are The Causes of Psoriasis?

The specific explanation that causes psoriasis is still unknown. In any case, it is believed that a combination of factors such as environmental factors and genetic predisposition are involved. T cells in the blood, a type of white blood cell, attack typical, healthy cells and lose control over stimuli that are thought to play a key role in the development of psoriasis.

How To Diagnose Psoriasis?

Doctors often identify cases of psoriasis through a direct physical examination. The signs and symptoms of psoriasis are unique and easily distinguishable from other skin disorders with similar side effects.


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