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Brain Aneurysm Treatment In India | GoMedii

A ruptured brain aneurysm is a life-threatening condition that begins with a mild onset and causes severe headaches. Yes, headaches can be normal, but to some extent, they can cause life-threatening illnesses that require intensive treatment and lots of care, such as: Looking for the best neurosurgical hospital in Chennai? It should be treated by a well-trained specialist in a hospital. GoMedii finds these hospitals and supports the treatment process.

Get Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment In India

Cerebral aneurysms occur as a result of thinning of the artery walls. Aneurysms often form in arterial branches because these areas of the blood vessel are weak. This can occur anywhere in the brain so it is very important to identify its location and treat it completely. By doing the best we can in the care process to keep our loved ones healthy and living in peace, we have built one of the best and trusted hospitals in the world on a budget.

Cerebral aneurysm treatment in India symptoms of ruptured aneurysm doctor for ruptured aneurysm treatment ruptured aneurysm causes ruptured aneurysm treatment diagnosis

Ruptured aneurysm What are the symptoms?

A ruptured brain aneurysm is a swelling of blood vessels in the brain that causes severe headaches, but there are many other symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm.

  • seizures
  • nausea and vomiting
  • ptosis
  • loss of consciousness
  • headline
  • photosensitivity

"leaky" aneurysm Law. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor if you experience sudden, very severe headaches, fainting, or seizures. You can contact us to find the best doctor within your budget.

What causes a ruptured brain aneurysm?

The cause of most brain aneurysms is unknown, but many factors can increase your risk. These causes include:

What is the diagnosis when treating a ruptured brain aneurysm?

treatment of ruptured aneurysm in India symptoms of ruptured aneurysm doctor for treatment of ruptured aneurysm causes of ruptured aneurysm diagnosis for treatment of ruptured aneurysm

for a ruptured aneurysm, Associated symptoms may be related. In this case, tests are done to see if there has been bleeding in the space between the brain and surrounding tissue. The tests will also determine if there has been another type of stroke.

Patients may also be tested if they have symptoms of an unruptured brain aneurysm, such as B. Pain behind the eyes, blurred vision, or double vision.

Diagnostic tests include

  • computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Cerebrospinal fluid examination.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Cerebral Angiography.

How is a ruptured brain aneurysm treated?

There are two standard treatment options for a ruptured brain aneurysm. Based on the diagnosis, your doctor will decide what treatment is needed and may give you one of the following treatments:

Surgical clipping. This procedure closes the aneurysm. A neurosurgeon accesses the aneurysm by removing part of the skull to locate the blood vessels that supply the aneurysm. A small metal clamp is then placed around the neck of the aneurysm to stop blood flow.

Endovascular treatment. This is a less invasive procedure than surgical clipping. A surgeon inserts a catheter into an artery, usually in the wrist or groin, and threads it through the body to the aneurysm.

The surgeon then uses flow diversion devices, stents or coils, endoluminal flow blockers, or various combinations of many devices to disrupt the aneurysm from within the vessel.

Both surgeries have potential risks, most notably intracerebral hemorrhage or loss of blood flow to the brain. Endovascular coils are less invasive and may be safer initially, but they carry a higher risk of re-intervention in the future as the aneurysm reopens.

Ruptured Aneurysm Treatment with GoMedii

If you are looking for Ruptured Aneurysm Treatment in India, GoMedii is the right choice as your healthcare partner.


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