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Showing posts from December, 2022

Brain Aneurysm Treatment In India | GoMedii

A ruptured brain aneurysm is a life-threatening condition that begins with a mild onset and causes severe headaches. Yes, headaches can be normal, but to some extent, they can cause life-threatening illnesses that require intensive treatment and lots of care, such as: Looking for the best neurosurgical hospital in Chennai? It should be treated by a well-trained specialist in a hospital. GoMedii finds these hospitals and supports the treatment process. Get Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment In India Cerebral aneurysms occur as a result of thinning of the artery walls. Aneurysms often form in arterial branches because these areas of the blood vessel are weak. This can occur anywhere in the brain so it is very important to identify its location and treat it completely. By doing the best we can in the care process to keep our loved ones healthy and living in peace, we have built one of the best and trusted hospitals in the world on a budget. Cerebral aneurysm treatment in India symptoms...

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In India | GoMedii

  A lifestyle change or being easily exposed to unhealthy habits can lead to many changes in your sex life. Treatment of erectile dysfunction in India comes in different ways and in different stages. As the patient was hesitant to speak to us, we ensured that his case would not be ignored and would be supported by GoMedii  best team. and their needs are our top priority. We assist our patients every step of the way, making sure they trust our services and allow them the privacy they want to maintain. This condition is a persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to satisfactorily complete the sexual act of choice, whether it be masturbation, oral sex, or vaginal or anal intercourse. refers to The occasional inability to obtain a satisfactory erection is usually not a problem. Simply put, the inability to achieve and maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse is known as erectile dysfunction. Why do we need erectile dysfunction treatment in Ind...

Pneumonectomy Cost in India, Lower Than Other Countries | GoMedii

Pneumonectomy Cost in India   A pneumonectomy is a type of lung surgery in which part or all of the lung is removed for cancer or another disease. The human body has two lungs, the right lung and the left lung. These lungs are connected to the mouth by a series of tubes. Through these tubes, the lungs take oxygen into the body and carry away carbon dioxide. This blog contains all the information you need to know about lung cancer and its treatment process and the cost of pneumonectomy in India. Book an appointment with GoMedii, choose GoMedii as your treatment partner and get the most affordable treatment in India. How much does pneumonectomy cost in India? How can I get immunotherapy for lung cancer in Poland? $ to $3500. This includes the surgery price including all other facilities and medications provided by the hospital. If you're looking for affordable prices in India, book on GoMedii . What are the symptoms of lung cancer? Lung cancer does not cause signs or symptoms in the ...

Get Best Fatty Liver Treatment In India

  If  you  experience  nausea, loss of  appetite,  pale skin or eyes, or abdominal pain  in  the upper right  part  of your  abdomen, this  is often a  sign  of liver  disease.If left untreated,  liver disease can  be dangerous. It can lead to  cirrhosis of the  liver. If detected at an early stage, it can be easily treated. This article discusses affordable fatty  liver  disease treatments  in India . What is fatty liver? Fatty liver occurs  when  fat  accumulates in  the liver.  It is  caused by diabetes,  obesity  and  elevated cholesterol levels.  Other common causes of liver disease  are  steroids, alcohol, and  some  other drugs. Women  diagnosed with  irregular vibrations or  polycystic ovarian disease  are  also at  increased  risk  of developing  liver dise...

Best sickle cell treatment hospital in India

Sickle cell anemia is usually inherited. This is a dangerous disease and should be treated as soon as possible. During sickle cell anemia, the gene that helps make red blood cells mutates. People who inherit a mutated hemoglobin protein gene from both biological parents suffer from sickle cell anemia. Nowadays, experts have found ways to treat this disease and you can easily get treated on a budget, click here to book an appointment at the best sickle cell treatment hospital and get treated by experienced experts. See More: Columbia asia Hospital Gurgaon Get cost-effective treatment at the best sickle cell treatment hospital in India Sickle cell anemia is a dangerous disease in itself and gives rise to many other diseases that can harm you and sometimes be fatal, this disease is rare but can be serious and affect your lifestyle. Health should always be the first priority, don't ignore any symptoms you see, there are many ways and hospitals to get the best treatment, if you are look...

दिल्ली में किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट का खर्च और इसके इलाज के लिए बेस्ट डॉक्टर

  किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के लिए सबसे पहले डोनर की जरूरत होती है, जिसके बाद खराब किडनी को स्वस्थ किडनी से बदल दिया जाता है। इसे गुर्दा प्रत्यारोपण प्रक्रिया कहा जाता है। किडनी किसी जीवित या मृत डोनर से ली जा सकती है। डोनर किडनी के लिए आप अपने परिवार के सदस्य या मरीज की किडनी से मैच करने वाले अन्य लोगों से किडनी डोनेट कर सकते हैं। इस प्रकार के प्रत्यारोपण को जीवित प्रत्यारोपण कहा जाता है। जब कोई अन्य उपचार विकल्प नहीं होता है तो डॉक्टर गुर्दा प्रत्यारोपण की सलाह देते हैं। किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद मरीज अपना बाद का जीवन पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ्य जी सकते हैं। अगर आपको किडनी से जुड़ी कोई समस्या है और आप डॉक्टर से सलाह लेना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें। See More: best kidney hospital in chennai दिल्ली में किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट का खर्च कितना होगा?  दिल्ली शहर किसी भी तरह के किफायती इलाज के लिए बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध जगह है। यदि आप दिल्ली में किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट का खर्च जानना चाहते हैं तो इसके इलाज की शुरुआती लागत  4,75,000 रुपय  से शुरू होती है। यदि आप किफायती लागत में अपना इलाज कराना चाहते...

पॉलीसिस्टिक किडनी के इलाज का खर्च कितना होगा और जाने इसके लिए बेस्ट हॉस्पिटल

  पॉलीसिस्टिक किडनी रोग (पीकेडी) परिवार के किसी सदस्य से विरासत में मिल सकता है, जिसमें मुख्य रूप से किडनी के अंदर कई सिस्ट विकसित हो जाते हैं। ऐसा होने पर किडनी समय के साथ बड़ी होने लगती है और काम करना बंद कर देती है। दरअसल ये सिस्ट नॉन-कैंसरस होते हैं जिनमें फ्लूइड होता है। वे आमतौर पर आकार में भिन्न होते हैं, और यदि अनुपचारित छोड़ दिया जाए, तो वे समय के साथ बहुत बड़े हो सकते हैं। इसके अलावा समग्र स्वास्थ्य पर इनका बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। आइए हम आपको बताते हैं कि पॉलीसिस्टिक किडनी के इलाज में कितना खर्च आएगा? पॉलीसिस्टिक किडनी के इलाज के लिए बेस्ट हॉस्पिटल पॉलिसिस्टिक किडनी के इलाज के लिए ग्रेटर नोएडा के बेस्ट अस्पताल   शारदा अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   यथार्थ अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   बकसन अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   जेआर अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   प्रकाश अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   दिव्य अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा   शांति अस्पताल, ग्रेटर नोएडा    पॉलिसिस्टिक किडनी के इलाज के लिए दिल्ली के बेस्ट अस्पताल    बीएलके-मैक्स सुपर स्पेशलिटी अस्पताल, राजिं...

Renal Cyst Treatment in India | GoMedii

  We all know about the formation of cysts in different parts of the body, but it is rarely heard about in the kidney. This is because if someone has it, they suffer for a long time along with other complications. How is that? Know about it with Renal Cyst Treatment in India which is opted for by most of the international patients. How does this happen? What is the cost of treatment? What are the symptoms of vision? All the points will be discussed in depth to help you be informed. Read on to know which hospitals you can choose from. See More: Kidney Transplant in India What does Renal Cyst Treatment In India Mean? Kidney cysts are round sacs of fluid. They are those that form on or in the kidney. Kidney cysts can lead to serious disorders that can impair kidney function. Is it cancer or not? However, it is mostly non-carcinogenic, which does not make it any less dangerous or harmful. A growth that is not natural to the body has to be treated. This is why choosing GoMedii and Renal...

Get Affordable Phalloplasty Surgery In India

  Technology has made many serious and complex tasks very easy. Now technology is the reason because of which every industry is growing very fast. Technology has made impossible work possible in every field. If we talk about how technology is changing the medical industry, it is very well explained by the doctors as now they can easily treat more complex procedures due to technology. Here we are talking about phalloplasty surgery in India. Phalloplasty surgery is used for sex change from female to male and is also used for repair of penis. Best Hospitals For Phalloplasty Surgery In India Best Hospitals in Greater Noida for Phalloplasty Surgery   Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida   Reality Hospital, Greater Noida   Baksan Hospital, Greater Noida   JR Hospital, Greater Noida   Prakash Hospital, Greater Noida   Divya Hospital, Greater Noida   Shanti Hospital, Greater Noida   Best Hospitals in Delhi for Phalloplasty Surgery   BLK-Max Super Spec...