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Amrita Hospital Booking Appointment Phone Number


The name Amrita was invoked by Saint Arya Siddhant, who gave hope to patients in the hospital and to tell them that the treatment would increase health and vitality in their lives and thus ensure their well-being.

When patients come here, there is a lot of hope, positivity and confidence attached to them. We not only provide the right treatment for different types of diseases but also try to make them aware of the benefits of right food, diet and lifestyle to stay fit and healthy.

The same warmth and love you feel when you decide to treat your patients with Amrita Hospitals.

You can visit our various centers across India. For that, click on the link below or give us a call on 8762036141 and schedule your appointment with our doctors.

Amrita Hospital located in Faridabad, Kerala is considered one of the leading hospitals in South Asia. Our commitment to affordable quality care has attracted a dedicated team of highly qualified medical professionals and other healthcare professionals from across the globe to provide the highest standards of medical treatment. Established in 1998 by Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (known as AMMA worldwide), Amrita Hospital provides a full range of primary and specialty care medical services with cross-specialty consultations. AMMA's vision of providing advanced medical care to the poor and underprivileged was the inspiration for Amrita Hospital, which is today a 2,400-bed (504 unit) tertiary referral and teaching hospital serving over 1 million outpatients and 71,000 inpatients annually. doing service. doing service. doing service.

Amrita Hospital Faridabad Phone Number +91 9654030724

Amrita Hospital in Faridabad is a reflection of our pursuit of excellence and hosts centers of excellence in medical specialties such as Oncology, Cardiac Sciences, Gastro Sciences, Renal Sciences, and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Orthopedics and Joint Replacement and Sports Medicine. to name a few.

The hospital brings together 81 specialized departments which include Anesthesia, Behavioral Sciences, Critical Care Medicine, Dentistry, Endocrinology, ENT, Fetal Medicine, Hyperbaric Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology, Laboratory Medicine, Neonatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Organ Transplantation, Eye Includes Science, Pulmonary. medicine. Huh. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, pediatrics, reproductive medicine, spine surgery, transfusion therapy and telemedicine services.

Every life is precious to us. You are important, and we care about you. At Amrita Hospitals we are there for you when you need us the most. Our hospital is where science, technology and research merge to embrace good health. We are a community of physicians, caregivers, innovators, inventors and researchers, and we use the tools and knowledge provided by modern science to heal your body and mind. Amrita Hospitals, formerly Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, is one of the premier hospitals in India. Established in 1998 by Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, affectionately called Amma, we are committed to providing the most advanced healthcare to all.

At Amrita Hospital, we value every life, so we provide a wide range of medical care for a full range of ailments including cancer, brain surgery, diabetes, heart problems, kidney failure, liver transplant and much more We do. It is our mission to promote good health around the world by empowering people to better understand themselves and change their lives for the better. Amrita's vision is to create an environment where you can be treated at par with the best people in the world. To make your journey as easy as possible, we provide complimentary transportation to and from your home if necessary, and our staff are committed to providing the highest quality care. Amrita Hospital provides you with compassionate care and a wide range of medical procedures that will keep you healthy.

Our hospitals provide medical excellence which includes the specialized services of a team of expert doctors and nurses. At Amrita Hospitals, we have the latest technology to help you tackle any health issue you may have. We strive to make our hospitals a safe haven for the needy. We are leaders in healthcare and in the treatment of the most complex diseases. With the best facilities and the right medical staff, we have the capability to deal with all kinds of ailments and complications. Our healthcare providers are known across the country for the highest quality care. Our hospital has also won the prestigious 'Technology of the Year' award.

Amrita Hospital Faridabad Phone Number

We have over 500 doctors, nurses and support staff at Amrita Hospital, spread across eight specialties and 60 surgical units. We are supported by over 4,000 medical, non-medical and support staff. Amrita Hospital from 20 bedded hospital to multi-specialty tertiary healthcare facility in Chennai


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