- +91 9654030724 Dr. H. S. Chhabra Spine Surgeon INDIAN SPINAL INJURIES CENTER NEW DELHI
- Dr. HS Chhabra is one of the reputed surgeons in the field of spine surgery in India.
- He has more than 30+ years of experience and has performed more than 3000 spinal surgeries.
- He has done his Master in Surgery from Safdarjung Hospital and MBBS from Delhi University. After which he did a post-graduate certificate course from the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.
- Dr. Chhabra has completed his fellowship in spine surgery in Germany, Netherlands, and Seoul, South Korea.
- He pioneered laser and endoscopic disc surgery in India
- Dr. Chhabra is an opinion leader in the development of spinal endoscopes and other spinal implants and instruments, manufactured by renowned international companies such as Karl Storz (Germany).
- In addition to spinal taps, he also performs complex trauma surgeries, such as pelvic acetabular and intraarticular commute fractures and joint replacement surgeries.
- He has successfully organized many conferences on Laser and Spine surgery.
- Dr. Chhabra specializes in Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Disc Surgery under Local Anesthesia, where patients can resume their normal activities the next day.
Orthopedics and Spine Surgeries, Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, Cervical and Lumbar disc replacements, Instrumented spinal fusions (PLIF, TLIF, ALIF), Tumor surgeries with expandable cages and vertebral reconstructions, Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with cages/plates, Scoliosis, and kyphosis corrections surgery
- MBBS, 1986, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi University
- MS, 1991, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Confers the prestigious award “Oder of the star of the Italian solidarity” (OSSI) by the President of the Republic. Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. RASHTRIYA RATTAN AWARD for the year 2006 XX111 National Excellence Award.
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