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Dr. Ravi Mohanka Liver Transplant Surgeon Global Hospitals Mumbai

About Dr. Ravi Mohanka

+91 9654030724 Dr. Ravi Mohanka Liver Transplant Surgeon Global Hospitals Mumbai

Dr. Ravi Mohanka is a Liver Surgeon in India with vast experience in Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Tract Surgery. Dr. Mohanka successfully completed India's first bowel transplant. Dr. Ravi specializes in both Live and Dead Liver Transplantation. Dr. Mohanka has made significant contributions to the field of liver transplant surgery, and his approach is state-of-the-art.

In addition, he has performed several multi-stage, difficult liver procedures. He also works with both adults and children in this area. He has worked in many notable institutes in India and also received training from renowned hospitals in the USA. In addition, he has written and published scientific research papers that have been presented at national and international conferences around the world.

Clinical Interests

Laparoscopic and Robotic liver resections For Hepato-Cellular Cancer in both the adult and pediatric population

  • Pancreas Transplants
  • Intestine Transplants

Paper Publications

Mohan N, Karkara S, Jolly AS, Vohra V, Mohanka R, Rastogi A, Soin AS. The first survival-related liver transplant to correct factor VII deficiency. Pediatric Transplant. 2015 Sep;19(6):e135-8

Choudhary NS, Saraf N, Sehgal S, Mohanka R, Rastogi A, Goja S, Menon PB, Soin AS. Low-dose short-term hepatitis B immunoglobulin with high genetic barrier antiviral: ideal post-transplant hepatitis B virus prophylaxis? Transplant Infection Dis. 2015 Jun;17(3):329-33

Choudhary NS, Sehgal S, Saraf N, Mohanka R, Rastogi A, Goja S, Menon PB, Mishra S, Mittal A, Soin AS. Sarcopenic obesity with metabolic syndrome: a newly recognized entity after living donor liver transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2015 Mar;29(3):211-5

Soin AS, Mohanka R, Saraf N, Rastogi A, Goja S, Menon B, Vohra V, Sehgal S, Sood R, Kumar D, Bhangui P, Ramachandra S, Singla P, Shetty G, Raghavendra K, Elmagad KM. India's first successful intestinal transplant: Road traveled and lessons learned. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2014 Mar;33(2):104-13

Soin AS, Raut V, Mohanka R, Rastogi A, Goja S, Balachandran M, Sehgal S, Saraf N, Bhangui P, Sumana KR, Singla P, Srinivasan T, Choudhary N, Tiwari A, Raina V, Govil D, Mohan N. , Vohra V. Use of ABO-incompatible grafts in living donor liver transplantation - first report from India. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2014 Jan;33(1):72-6

S Sehgal, NS Choudhary, N Saraf, S Kataria, R Mohanka, AS Soin. Donor-to-recipient transmission of dengue virus after live donor liver transplantation. Liver Transplant 2013 Dec;19(12):1413-4

Sanjeev Sehgal, Narendra Choudhary, Neeraj Saraf, Hardik Kotecha, Rahul Kakodkar, Ravi Mohanka, Amit Rastogi, Part Menon, Sanjay Goja, Deepak Govil, Vijay Vohra, and Arvinder Soin. The outstanding outcome of living donor liver transplantation in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome: a single-center experience. Clinical Transplant 2013 Jul-Aug;27(4):530-4


  • MS, 2003, Government Medical College and Hospital
  • DNB, 2003, National Board of Examinations
  • MBBS, 1999, Government Medical College and Hospital
  • Fellowship, 2005, Transplant Surgery, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester Medical College
  • Fellowship, 2008, Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre and multiple internal organ transplantation, hepato-biliary surgery.

Work Experience Of Dr. Ravi Mohanka

  1. HOD, Global Hospitals, Mumbai, 2014
  2. Consultant, GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, 2016
  3. Consultant, Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon, 2010
  4. Consultant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, 2008
  5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, 2003
  6. Senior Resident, Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Center, 2003
  7. Govt. Medical College and Hospital, 2000
  8. Gadchiroli District Hospital, 1999


  • Hepatocyte transplant
  • Liver Cancer


  • Intestine Transplant
  • Liver Transplant
  • Pancreas Transplants


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