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Max Hospital Vaishali contact Phone Number

 Max Hospital Vaishali About

Max Hospital Vaishali is a multi-speciality hospital offering the best in general care, super speciality treatments, critical care and diagnostic services. The hospital offers the latest in diagnostics, surgeries, nursing care and emergency and critical care to its patients. All hospitals under the Health World International chain adhere to international standards of healthcare and are certified by the Joint Commission International. All hospitals under the network are the first of their kind to be given the stamp of certification in India. The focus of the hospital is to create and maintain the highest standards of patient care.

The hospital is located on a spacious 10 acre plot and is surrounded by beautiful greenery and is located on Bazar Road on the way to the railway station. The site of the hospital overlooks the picturesque Kankali River and is surrounded by residential areas.

Max Hospital Vaishali toll-free Phone Number +919654030724

Hospital Amenities

The hospital offers a host of specialized and super-speciality services to cater to the needs of its patients and ensure comprehensive treatment. The services include:

Emergency Medicine – All emergency patients are monitored and treated on emergency basis. Every single patient is assessed and treated by the senior doctors and nurses.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) – The neonatal intensive care unit in the hospital is a 24-hour, dedicated facility that specializes in providing intensive care to babies up to 3 months of age. It is manned by senior staff from all departments.

Max Super Speciality Hospital Vaishali Ghaziabad Phone Number +91 9654030724

Intensive Care Units (ICU) – The hospital has two separate units, a single unit for coronary and a multi-bed unit for regular ICU.

Cardiology – The cardiology department is well equipped with all super-speciality equipment and highly qualified staff that provide patients with care and treatment for various ailments and conditions.

Diagnostics – The hospital houses the latest machines and equipment for highly advanced diagnostics that are capable of precise and accurate analyses of patient conditions.

Nephrology – The department deals with diseases of the kidney and treatment and care of the patients is done in accordance with the condition and age of the patients.

Max Hospital Vaishali Contact Emergency Number + 919654030724

Gynecology – This unit has facilities for high-end gynecological surgery and treatment, ensuring the best in treatment and care for patients.

Infusion Therapy – The facility caters to the need of patients who have undergone surgery, have undergone major surgery and are undergoing treatment for heart or lung complications.

Pharmacy – There are about 400 specialized medicines that are available at the hospital.

Laboratory – The laboratory of the hospital specializes in a number of specialized tests that are required to diagnose patient conditions.

Radiology – The radiology department is equipped with advanced super-speciality imaging and treatment equipment that enable imaging and treatment of various ailments such as cancer, neurological conditions and others.

Specialities – The hospital provides a host of super-speciality services to its patients and includes:

Plastic Surgery – Patients undergo procedures that include cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgeries and other cosmetic procedures that improve their looks and overall appearance.

ENT Specialties – The department offers treatment for diseases affecting the ear, nose, throat, head and neck and is equipped with all the most advanced facilities for diagnosis and treatment.

Vascular Specialties – The department caters to a number of cardiovascular conditions and has a state-of-the-art endovascular surgery and vascular treatment facility to ensure the best in treatment and care.

Pediatrics Children

Max Hospital Vaishali Phone Contact Number +919654030724

How many beds does Max Vaishali have?

Max Super Specialty Hospital, Vaishali is a 370+ bed facility which offers a wide range of preventive and diagnostic treatment options in specialties like Oncology, Neuro Sciences, Cardiac Sciences, Orthopedics, Nephrology, Kidney Transplant, Liver Transplant, Urology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology spectrum offers Provides a unique array.

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, Delhi, India

What is included in the stay?

  • Electricity cost

  • Includes Breakfast

  • Children below the age of 8 years can stay at free of charge by sharing the parent's room

  • Free of charge for children from 0 - 8 years old staying in the same room as their parents

  • Price Exclude

  • Parking fees

  • Taxes

  • Food

  • Additional expenses

  • Guarantee included

  • Book Now, Pay Later options

Choose your check-in date and your check-out date. Pay the rest of the hotel bill, and lock in a cheap price now - if you’re travelling during peak season, your price could be lower than the price you paid 6 months later. And you’ll receive a copy of “My Account”, giving you full control of your booking.


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