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Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital Kaushambi Contact Number +919654030724


Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital Kaushambi Contact Number +919654030724

Yashoda Superspecialty Hospital, Ghaziabad in NCR of Delhi is synonymous with advanced and world-class patient care.

Reach us: Near Kaushambi Metro, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad

Contact Details Number: +919654030724

Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital is a tertiary care hospital and the best hospital in Delhi NCR, world-class and with excellence in multi specialties to treat patients with respect, compassion, and dignity and ensure their safety by complying with all Focus on providing holistic health services. Legal requirements and critical environmental aspects to maintain compliance with NABH standards through continuous quality improvement.


Cardiology and CTVS


The Department of Cardiology and CTVS at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospitals has become the premier Cardiac Thoracic Center for NCR since its inception in August 2008.


kidney transplant


The Department of Nephrology at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospitals is constituted by Nephrologists having vast experience in the treatment of various renal disorders and dialysis.


Pediatric Surgery


The doctors in the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital are specialists in infants and children.




The orthopedic department is managed by senior consultants, each of whom has many years of experience in various fields of orthopedic surgery.




Our team comprises of highly skilled Gastroenterologists and GI surgeons who have vast experience in performing high-end procedures and providing medical care at par with international standards.




The department is well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. It has one of the best PFT laboratories, and bronchoscopy units (pediatric and adult).




Rheumatology is called clinical immunology in modern terms. It is now accepted that there is a root cause of diseases like arthritis.

Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital Kaushambi Contact Number +919654030724


Advance Mother and Child Care


We provide comprehensive services round the clock through a pool of qualified and experienced Obstetricians and Gynecologists with highly personalized care.


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