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GS Medical College & Hospital Pilkhuwa Contact Number +919654030724


GS Medical College & Hospital Pilkhuwa Contact Number +919654030724

GS Medical College & Hospital Pilkhuwa Contact Number +919654030724

At GS we are passionate about producing leaders who are not only thorough professionals but also good human beings with ethics, values ​​and ethics.


GS Group is a premier educational institution located in Pilkhuwa, Hapur, Delhi NCR. A venture of the renowned Shri Jaipal Singh Sharma Trust, GS Group has established itself as a provider of high-quality education, with a focus on holistic learning and imbibing competitive abilities in students.


GS Group is approved by MCI, New Delhi, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, UP State Medical Faculty, Lucknow and affiliated to CH. Charan Singh University, Meerut.


GS Group promises to be one of India’s leading medical education groups with a recognized reputation for excellence in academics, research, and teaching. With its excellent and renowned faculty, world-class teaching standards and innovative academic programs, GS seek to set a new benchmark in the Indian medical education system.


Petals Leading to a Star is an embodiment of the group’s cherished mission to build health and scholarly and facilitate students and teachers to achieve new heights and curves of success around the world!




  • To ensure good health and longevity of mankind.
  • To become a center of excellence and global resource in the field of Medical Education.
  • To expand the research activities in the field of Medicine for the well-being of society.
  • To produce qualified trainers, researchers and professionals for the growth of medical education.
  • To provide best and quality healthcare services.
  • To create awareness in Medical Sector.
  • To train students /undergraduates in theoretical as well as clinical aspects.


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