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Anand Hospital Meerut contact number +919654030724


Anand Hospital Meerut contact number +919654030724

Contact Information

Phone: +919654030724


A-1, Damodar Colony, Garh Road, Meerut (UP), India


Established on 29 August 2007, Anand Hospital is the first comprehensive, multi-specialty hospital in Western UP, Meerut. Anand Hospital is a joint dream of Mr. Hariom Anand and Mrs. Meena Anand which has been realized through their efforts. Keeping Meerut on the national road map of the health care sector, the hospital is well equipped with hi-tech equipment for both diagnostic and therapeutic services to the patients.

Anand Hospital believes in providing quality diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients. The hospital provides sophisticated healthcare services to patients in almost every specialty and sub-specialty of surgery and medicine in India.

See More: Anand Hospital Meerut contact number +919654030724

world-class patient care


Anand Hospital has a comprehensive patient care system to provide world class diagnostic and therapeutic treatment to our patients. Our latest technologies and equipment have developed us into a rare center of excellence. We believe in offering dedicated services for humanity and thus we provide round the clock services in Emergency Department, Critical Care Ambulance, Accident, Imaging and Laboratory. Our blood bank is also equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment to collect, process and supply human blood as required, including facilities for plasmapheresis.


Research Power House


At Anand Hospital we are constantly bridging innovative science with state-of-the-art equipment and diagnostic drugs. We conduct extensive research with our annual research budget. Funding is used in pursuit of breakthroughs in basic and clinical research to transform patient care.

Setting the bar for quality and safety


What matters most to us is safety, better patient care, effectiveness, efficiency, equity and patient centers. Our vision is quality and safety. These parameters are our goals and we measure our performance towards these goals and track our progress towards them. We compare ourselves against these parameters to ensure that we provide high-quality services and high safety standards to our patients.


Our efforts are always based on the needs of patients and their families. We make sure to partner with communities to build, improve and maintain better health services. What matters most to us is the quality of health care services that we provide to our patients and thus ensuring the well-being of everyone associated with us as patients, doctors, nurses or other staff members.


We aim to provide better healthcare services to our patients in a safe and compassionate environment as per their needs and requirements. Our continuous, innovative research and education foster a better healthcare environment through cutting-edge technologies and equipment. We aim to benefit the diverse communities we serve. We are recognized for offering the highest quality services and our expertise covers almost all specialties.


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