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Showing posts from September, 2021

What is Neuroendocrine cancer and what is its treatment

 Any type of cancer begins when the DNA of healthy cells is damaged, in which case the cells change and grow out of control. Neuroendocrine cancer can be called fatal because it can spread in the body and damage other healthy parts as well.       What is Neuroendocrine cancer? Neuroendocrine tumors can become cancerous at any time, it affects the secretory glands and causes the transmission of hormones and this transmission controls the nervous system. Neuroendocrine tumor or neuroendocrine cancer is called a condition when the cells of these glands, which secrete hormones of nerves, are not controlled and start working in an uncontrolled way. In this situation, neuroendocrine cancer arises which can also take the life of the victim.   Medical Tourism Company in India   Symptoms of neuroendocrine cancer   Talking about the laxity of neuroendocrine tumor, its symptoms are somewhat different, the person suffering from this tumor a...

IUI Treatment in Delhi NCR

 IUI or intrauterine insemination is a straightforward operation that includes statement of washed sperms into the uterus of a patient. The cycle is pointed toward helping the course of origination. This Assisted Reproductive Technology strategy is protected and successful in treating barrenness, particularly when managing normal hindrances. In IUI treatment, a semen test in a supplement medium is set in the uterine hole, which thusly permits sperms to arrive at uterus. Read  More: Where Can I Get The Affordable IUI Treatment in Delhi NCR?

बेरिएट्रिक सर्जरी (Bariatric Surgery) क्या है,

 आज ज्यादातर लोगों का मानना है कि मोटापा सबसे बड़ी बीमारियों में से एक है। यह मानव शरीर की अस्वास्थ्यकर जीवनशैली के कारण है। यह बीमारी पूरी दुनिया में महामारी का रूप ले चुकी है। भारत में भी कई लोग मोटापे के शिकार हैं। अगर आप वजन कम करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं या करना चाहते हैं तो यह लेख आपके लिए है। आज मानव जाति का एक बड़ा वर्ग अपने बढ़े हुए वजन से परेशान है। इस वजह से कभी-कभी मोटे लोगों का मजाक भी उड़ाया जाता है। सबसे पहले तो मोटापा आपके पेट पर ही दिखाई देता है। मोटापे की वजह से शरीर में कई तरह की समस्याएं होने लगती हैं। जब समस्याएं बढ़ने लगती हैं तो लोग मोटापा कम करने के उपाय तलाशने लगते हैं। आज हम आपको इससे जुड़ी एक ऐसी सर्जरी के बारे में बताएंगे जिसे बैरिएट्रिक सर्जरी के नाम से जाना जाता है। तो चलिए मैं आपको बताता हूँ कि यह क्या है। Read More: बेरिएट्रिक सर्जरी (Bariatric Surgery) क्या है, इसके बारे में जाने?

You Can Get The Elevated Liver Enzymes Treatment In India

 Unusual liver enzymes can be an indication of ongoing and intense liquor use, constant hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and perhaps liver malignancy. The liver is one of the main organs in the body and is answerable for various capacities that keep the body filling in as it is planned. The liver detoxifies your blood, produces proteins that assistance with coagulating, handles cell squander, measures supplements, stores nutrients, and helps your body make glucose. When these cycles are repressed, it could prompt serious liver problems. Read More: Cheaper Elevated Liver Enzymes Treatment In India, Here!

Keyhole Heart Surgery

  This surgery is performed by an experienced cardiologist. It is minimally invasive heart surgery. This surgery will take 4 to 6 hours. A surgeon will small incisions on the chest. It does not require the breastbone to be broken. After a few weeks of surgery, you may feel some pain and discomfort. Your doctor will give you some medicine that helps in your quick recovery. Keyhole heart surgery is a good option for many heart patients if they want it. Read Here: Know The Importance Of Keyhole Heart Surgery!

How much cataract surgery cost

 The cost will depend on the condition of the patients. If you want to know the exact cost then it is told by the doctor when they will check the patient's condition. We will provide you the affordable treatment for cataract surgery. This surgery will also known as lens replacement surgery. A doctor will replace your natural lens with an artificial lens. After the surgery, it will help to improve your vision. Read More: How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost In Delhi?

How is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed

 Gynecomastia surgery is performed by the most experienced and qualified doctor in India. They have enough knowledge on how to perform a successful surgery. In this procedure, a doctor will remove the extra fatty tissue in the men's chest. It is a condition when a male breast has enlarge due to some hormonal imbalance in the body. Most of the time a surgeon will use liposuction to correct the male breasts. See More: How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In NCR? Here Is!

Rare Skin Disorder: Here Is The Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

 Many people must have heard of vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin disorder that affects all skin types. This causes white spots on the skin. This may be more noticeable in people who have dark skin. This makes you feel very bad about yourself. If this happens to you too, then you should get it treated. If you are looking for white spot treatment in Delhi or other cities in India then GoMedi will provide you that. Vitiligo affects the skin of any part of the body. If it is not treated on time, then the white spots get bigger over time. How Do I Get Vitiligo Treatment In Delhi? Rare Skin Disorder: Here Is The Vitiligo Treatment In Delhi! Vitiligo is a long-term condition that affects the complexion of the skin. In this condition, light white spots are formed on the skin. If anyone is looking for Vitiligo treatment in Delhi then it is available. The goal of treatment is to stop vitiligo from spreading. The treatment will also help bring back the color of the skin.   How Much Does The ...

Low Cost Treatment for Acoustic Schwannoma In Indian Hospitals

 Many of our international patients have come to India or to other countries through GoMedi for very specialized and complex treatment. One of them, Mr. Haider, asked for treatment for acoustic schwannoma in Indian hospitals. We at GoMedi contacted him immediately to understand what he wanted. It was a treatment which is rarely found in countries like Bangladesh or Uganda and hence, they had to come to India for it.   Wonder what it is? Well, wait and read further on this. We will make sure, we will answer all your doubts! If you want to know anything else, you can contact us on WhatsApp! Find Treatment for Acoustic Schwannoma in Indian Hospitals?   We understand that finding a hospital in another country is a bit (much) difficult if you are traveling with medical tourism in mind. If you are confused as to how and where you can get acoustic schwannoma treatment in Indian hospitals, all you need to do is ask us one question, we will take care of the rest!

What is esophagus cancer? Its symptoms and treatment

Esophageal cancer is cancer that occurs in the esophagus (a long, hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach, also called the esophagus or esophagus). The food you eat is carried through the esophagus to the stomach for digestion.   Food pipe cancer usually begins in the cells that are inside the esophagus. Cancer of the esophagus can occur anywhere in the esophagus. Men are at higher risk of esophageal cancer than women.   In many regions of the world, such as parts of Asia and In Africa, cancer of the esophagus is very common.   Certain factors are known that play a major role in increasing the risk of developing esophageal cancer. These include alcohol consumption, smoking, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett esophagus, being overweight or obese, not consuming enough fruits and vegetables, etc.     Medical Tourism Company in India   Common symptoms of esophagus cancer   People who have frequent throat infecti...