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Know What is Trapeziectomy?

 What is Trapejectomy?

The trapezium is a cube-shaped bone in the wrist of our hand that attaches to the base of the thumb. This problem is most common in chronic arthritis, due to which the fingers gradually become crooked. Often in osteoarthritis, normal cartilage covers the joints of the fingers. Under which the bone or joint becomes damaged or weakened. Along with this, there is also pain and stiffness in the joints. Trapezectomy surgery is done as a treatment.


Why is trapezectomy done?

You may need trapezectomy surgery to improve the function of the thumb and relieve pain.


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What should I know about trapezectomy?

Using a splint can prevent movement of the thumb.

Steroid injections can be used to relieve pain in the thumb joint.

The natural joints of the thumb can be successfully replaced with artificial joints made of metal and plastic.

For young and physically active people, arthrodesis surgery may be a better option. In which the bones of the thumb are fixed permanently with the help of screws.

Trapezectomy may not be a safe option for everyone. Talk to your doctor about all the risks and benefits associated with having a trapezectomy procedure.




How should I prepare myself for trapezectomy?

Before trapezectomy surgery, share information with your doctor about your health conditions or if you have recently used any medications. Because, before the operation you will be given a dose of anesthesia which can interact with any other medicine. Therefore, before the surgery, you have to stop eating and drinking as per the instructions given by your doctor 6 to 8 hours before.


Your surgeon will give you complete information about when, what, and how long you should stop eating and drinking before surgery begins.


What is the procedure involved in trapezectomy?


Trapezectomy surgery can be completed in 60 to 90 minutes.


During the surgical procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision at the base of the thumb on the back of your hand and removes the trapezium. Your surgeon uses a wrist joint to form a ligament that runs over the trapezium to attach the finger to the wrist. Surgeons attach the tendon from the wrist to your thumb to form a ligament, which runs through the top of the trapezium.



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What happens after trapezectomy?

As with every procedure, there is a potential for some risk, so there can be some risks of trapezectomy. However, some common problems can be seen in the following situations:


Excessive bleeding or blood clots may occur due to the anesthesia used during surgery.

In some cases, you may still have pain, numbness, or stiffness in your thumb after trapezectomy surgery, or you may be unable to use your hand for some other reason.

Follow your doctor's or surgeon's instructions carefully to reduce the possible risks of surgery, such as not eating or drinking anything or using any drugs for 6 to 8 hours before surgery. Do not


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How should I take care of myself after trapezectomy?

You can go back home a few hours after the surgery is complete.

Do not raise your hand upward for about two weeks.

The bandage or plaster cast that was placed on your arm will be removed after 4 to 6 weeks.

Keep doing thumb and finger exercises regularly to make recovery in the shortest possible time. Exercising can prevent stiffness in the elbow and shoulder of your hand.

Exercising regularly can help you recover as quickly as possible to perform your daily activities. However, before starting exercise, ask your doctor what type of exercise you should be doing.

Your thumb will start to function normally one year after the surgery.



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