What is Trapejectomy? The trapezium is a cube-shaped bone in the wrist of our hand that attaches to the base of the thumb. This problem is most common in chronic arthritis, due to which the fingers gradually become crooked. Often in osteoarthritis, normal cartilage covers the joints of the fingers. Under which the bone or joint becomes damaged or weakened. Along with this, there is also pain and stiffness in the joints. Trapezectomy surgery is done as a treatment. Why is trapezectomy done? You may need trapezectomy surgery to improve the function of the thumb and relieve pain. Best Thyroidectomy Surgery Hospitals in India What should I know about trapezectomy? Using a splint can prevent movement of the thumb. Steroid injections can be used to relieve pain in the thumb joint. The natural joints of the thumb can be successfully replaced with artificial joints made of metal and plastic. For young and physically active people...