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Showing posts from September, 2022

Fortis Hospital Booking Appointment Number

  Fortis Hospital Booking Appointment +91 9654030724 Phone Number A private hospital well equipped with basic facilities which provides complete treatment and surgery to all. Patients can book appointments for doctors or get online consultations. Fortis Hospital Booking Appointment numbe r are professional nurses who take better care of patients. The hospital has a team of experienced doctors and staff who provide modern services to the patients. Fortis Hospital Booking Appointment +91 9654030724 Phone Number offers a wide variety of treatment, diagnostic facilities excellent solution and diagnosis. Medical consultants attached to most of the branches also visit these clinics on specific days, hence the quality of treatment remains high. The hospital has full time and visiting consultants who have great experience in their field. The hospital has fully functional operation theaters and medical care units. Assured Quality Care at Affordable Prices Therefore it is a wise decision to...

SIMS Hospital Booking Appointment +919654030724 Number

  Sims hospital booking appointment is based on +919654030724 phone number and established in the year 2012. Multispecialty Hospital is one of the best private hospitals providing contact numbers, reviews & ratings, facilities, services, photos and google maps listed on HMSDesk. , know . Patient can get procedure cost by organ or specialty, book hospital doctors appointment, consult online, download hospital profile for more details. ABOUT US The Sims Hospital is located in Ahmedabad, India. It is a super specialty hospital which provides health care in the field of heart and lung surgery, breast surgery, knee replacement surgery etc. The facility provides top class facilities in the field of heart and vascular surgery. Heart and lung surgery services are provided by experienced doctors having in-depth knowledge of latest techniques and technology. Surgeons are available round the clock for emergency surgeries. The doctors and staff are experienced and friendly and they always ...

Max Hospital Booking Appointment +919654030724 Phone Number

 Max hospital booking appointment based +919654030724 phone number and established in the year 2000. Multispecialty Hospital is one of the best Private Hospitals listed on HMSDesk providing contact numbers, reviews & ratings, facilities, services, photos and google maps. , know . Patient can get procedure cost by organ or specialty, book hospital doctors appointment, consult online, download hospital profile for more details. Max Hospital Appointment Booking Phone Number Max Super Specialty Hospital, Vaishali offers the benefits of integrated medical care in a multidisciplinary setting provided by a faculty of highly qualified doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals with over 28 clinical specialties. Comprehensive specialist services are provided along with advanced medical technology, making it a regional center for complex procedures such as neurovascular interventional procedures, targeted cancer treatment, heart surgery, orthopedic surgery and fertility treatment. Max...

12 Best Hospital For Pancreatic Transplant In India

Pancreas is an important organ, unhealthy pancreas can give rise to many life-threatening diseases. If you think you have a problem with the pancreas, see a doctor. Given below is the list of Best Hospital for Pancreatic Transplantation, Book an appointment to get affordable yet best treatment through GoMedii. Get Treatment at Best Hospital for Pancreatic Transplant in India India has emerged as one of the top medical travel destinations. Doctors in India are experts in their departments and provide the best medical facilities, which is why people choose India for their treatment. The cost of treatment in India is also affordable as compared to many developed countries without compromising on services and hospitality. India is connected to the rest of the world and hence it is easy to travel to this country.

How To Get Medical Visa From Somalia To India?

  Both India and Somalia are known for their hospitality and culture. If you wish to seek treatment in India, we welcome you, and will guide you through your visa process and treatment to make it easy and comfortable. Leave a query to get a medical visa for India from Somalia , our team will contact you soon. Get Medical Visa from Somalia to India India is known all over the world for the best treatment. We have well-equipped hospitals, well-reputed and responsible doctors, and additionally at an affordable range. If you are looking to get treatment in India then all the information given below may be useful to you and make your visa process easy and hassle-free.

Know About Fungal Sinusitis Intracranial Involvement Treatment

  Our environment is full of various micro-organisms, which are good as well as harmful for our health. These microorganisms are viruses, fungi and bacteria. Many diseases are associated with these organisms. Fungal sinusitis is a sinus infection caused by a fungus. These can cause serious health problems and even death, so knowing fungal sinusitis intracranial involution treatment is essential. If you are looking for Fungal Sinusitis Intracranial Involvement Treatment , Book your appointment with GoMedii for the most affordable cost. For more information drop your queries here.

15 Top Urologists in India, Book Appointment

  Urologists or urological surgeons are trained specialists who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of problems involving the urinary system and male reproductive organs. Many may specialize in specialized branches such as male infertility, laparoscopic surgery, urologic oncology, pediatric urology, neuro-urology and female urology. Book an appointment for treatment with top Urologists in India .

Best Hospitals Near Me | Medical Tourism Online

  Jaypee Hospital Sector 128, Noida Fortis Hospital Sector 62, Noida Felix Hospital Sector 137, Noida Cloudnine Hospital Noida Sector 51 Motherhood Hospital Sector 48, Noida Apollo Hospitals Sector 26, Noida Life Care Hospital Sector 61, Noida Bhardwaj Hospital & Healthcare Sector 29, Noida Yatharth Superspeciality Hospital Sector 110, Noida Metro Multispeciality Hospital Sector 11, Noida See More: Best Hospitals In Noida Near Me

बच्चों में ब्रेन ट्यूमर का इलाज कैसे होता है और क्या हैं इसके कारण, लक्षण

 बच्चों में ब्रेन ट्यूमर असामान्य कोशिकाओं की वृद्धि है जो मस्तिष्क या उसके आसपास के ऊतकों और संरचनाओं में बनते हैं। बच्चों में कई तरह के ब्रेन ट्यूमर हो सकते हैं। कुछ गैर-कैंसरयुक्त (सौम्य) हैं और कुछ कैंसरयुक्त (घातक) हैं। इसका उपचार और ठीक होने की संभावना (रोग का निदान) ट्यूमर के प्रकार, मस्तिष्क के भीतर उसका स्थान, यह कितनी दूर तक फैल चुका है, और आपके बच्चे की उम्र के साथ-साथ सामान्य स्वास्थ्य पर निर्भर करता है। जैसे-जैसे कैंसर का उपचार महत्वपूर्ण रूप से आगे बढ़ता है, उपचार के विभिन्न बिंदुओं पर कई विकल्प उपलब्ध हो सकते हैं। बच्चों में ब्रेन ट्यूमर का इलाज कैसे होता है? बच्चों के ब्रेन ट्यूमर के इलाज के लिए डॉक्टर इनमें से कोई भी विकल्प का सुझाव दे सकते हैं: आपके बच्चे की उम्र, समग्र स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा इतिहास ट्यूमर का प्रकार, स्थान और आकार विशिष्ट दवाओं, प्रक्रियाओं या उपचारों के लिए आपके बच्चे की सहनशीलता मरीज की राय से उसके इलाज Read More: बच्चों में ब्रेन ट्यूमर का इलाज कैसे होता है

Where To Get Sex Reassignment Surgery In India

  Gender confirmation or gender reassignment surgery refers to procedures that are performed to help people transition to their self-identified gender. Gender-affirming options include top surgery, facial surgery, or bottom surgery. According to reports, the majority of those who opted for gender confirmation surgery experienced an improvement in mental health and quality of life. Contact us to get more information about this. What is gender affirmation surgery? Sex reassignment surgery is a procedure that helps people transition to their self-identified gender. Nowadays, many people prefer to use the terms gender confirmation or confirmation surgery. Why is Sex Reassignment Surgery In India done? People undergo surgery so that their physical body matches their gender identity. People who experience gender dysphoria choose gender confirmation surgery. Gender dysphoria refers to the distress that occurs when the gender given at birth does not match the gender identity of the people....

गर्भाशय पॉलिप क्या है

 स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों को अलग-अलग तरीकों से प्रभावित करती हैं, कुछ स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं महिलाओं को अलग तरह से और अधिक गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित करती हैं। इसके अलावा, कई महिलाएं अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का विकास करती हैं यदि उनकी स्वास्थ्य स्थितियों का समय पर निदान नहीं किया जाता है। जैसे ब्रेस्ट कैंसर, सर्वाइकल कैंसर, मेनोपॉज और प्रेग्नेंसी संबंधी बीमारियां होने की संभावना ज्यादा होती है। यहां हम बात कर रहे हैं यूटेराइन पॉलीप की, यह कई महिलाओं में डिप्रेशन और एंग्जायटी का कारण भी बनता है। महिलाओं में यौन संचारित रोग होने की संभावना भी अधिक होती है। आइए हम आपको बताते हैं कि महिलाओं में सबसे आम गर्भाशय पॉलीप क्या है? Read More: गर्भाशय पॉलिप क्या है और जाने इसका इलाज कैसे होता है?

Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease In India

  Do you know there are 9 major organ systems in the human body? All these systems work together to carry out all the essential reactions of the body. One of the major systems is the Nervous System, which is the body’s command center Originating from the brain. It controls movements, thoughts, and automatic responses to the world around you.  It also controls other systems and processes of the body, such as digestion, breathing and sexual development. There are many diseases related to the nervous system. Examples of such diseases are Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and neurofibromatosis. This blog contains information related to Parkinson's disease, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment options. If you are looking for Parkinson's disease treatment, choose GoMedii as your health companion and get the most affordable treatment in India. Read More: Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease In India, Know Here!

Pituitary Tumor Removal Cost and Treatment

  The pituitary gland controls most of the body's glands and growth. It is important to see a doctor if you notice any signs and symptoms or are diagnosed by a pituitary process. Leave a query for treatment and to get information like pituitary tumor removal cost, our team will get back to you soon. What is Pituitary tumor removal Cost and Treatment? If you notice any signs and symptoms related to this disease, you can drop a query to get all the information about pituitary tumor removal cost and procedures and get affordable treatment through GoMedii. contact us now! Read More: Know About Pituitary Tumor Removal Cost and Treatment

आईयूआई के लिए बेस्ट डॉक्टर, हॉस्पिटल जाने क्यों की जाती है यह प्रक्रिया

  आईयूआई एक दर्द रहित प्रक्रिया है। कुछ नियोजन में, IU की आवश्यकता एक प्राकृतिक चक्र के साथ होती है। यह विशेष रूप से महिला को गर्भ धारण करने में मदद करने के लिए तैयार किया गया है। Assistant पर, IUI के साथ मिलकर काम करता है। अगर किसी भी महिला को प्रेग्नेंसी से जुड़ी कोई समस्या है तो आप डॉ. आज के संवाद के मुताबिक ये आपके डेटा के लिए है  Read More: आईयूआई के लिए बेस्ट डॉक्टर, हॉस्पिटल जाने क्यों की जाती है यह प्रक्रिया

Visa & Ticketing From Ethiopia To India, See Here!

  Ethiopia is known as the "Land of Origin", where many important archeological and paleontological milestones have been uncovered. It is located in the northeastern part of Africa commonly known as the Horn of Africa. The earliest human ancestors were discovered in the Afar Depression in northeastern Ethiopia. If you are looking for ways to get visas and tickets from Ethiopia to India, this blog has all the essential information you need to know before traveling through Ethiopia. Get your tickets here! Read More: Visa & Ticketing From Ethiopia To India

पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर का इलाज क्या है जानिए इसके लक्षण, कारण और हॉस्पिटल

  पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि में असामान्य वृद्धि है। पिट्यूटरी मस्तिष्क में एक छोटी ग्रंथि है। यह नाक के पिछले हिस्से के पीछे स्थित होता है। यह हार्मोन बनाता है जो आपके शरीर में कई अन्य ग्रंथियों और कई कार्यों को प्रभावित करता है। अधिकांश पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर कैंसर (सौम्य) नहीं होते हैं। वे आपके शरीर के अन्य भागों में नहीं फैलते हैं। लेकिन वे पिट्यूटरी को बहुत कम या बहुत अधिक हार्मोन बनाने का कारण बन सकते हैं, जिससे शरीर में समस्या हो सकती है। बहुत अधिक हार्मोन बनाने वाले पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर अन्य ग्रंथियों को बहुत अधिक हार्मोन बनाने का कारण बनते हैं। कुछ पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर पास की ऑप्टिक नसों पर भी दबाव डालते हैं। इससे दृष्टि संबंधी समस्याएं भी हो सकती हैं। अधिकांश पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर लक्षण पैदा नहीं करते हैं। यही कारण है कि इसका सही समय पर निदान नहीं हो पाता है। डॉक्टर समय पर निदान के बाद रोगी की स्वास्थ्य स्थिति के अनुसार रोगी का उपचार करते हैं। Read More: पिट्यूटरी ट्यूमर का इलाज क्या है

मूत्राशय कैंसर की सर्जरी क्या है और इसे कब किया जाता है जाने इसके लिए हॉस्पिटल

  ब्लैडर कैंसर हमारे शरीर में ब्लैडर के अंदर की कोशिकाओं में शुरू होता है, हालांकि यह महिलाओं की तुलना में पुरुषों में अधिक आम है। ब्लैडर कैंसर एक घातक और गंभीर बीमारी है। जो तब विकसित होता है जब ब्लैडर या शरीर का कोई अन्य भाग आवश्यकता से अधिक कोशिकाओं का उत्पादन करता है। मूत्राशय का कैंसर मूत्राशय के प्राथमिक कार्य को भी प्रभावित करता है, जिससे यह सामान्य रूप से कार्य करने में असमर्थ हो जाता है। ऐसा होने पर आपको तुरंत डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चाहिए। डॉक्टर से परामर्श करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। Read More: मूत्राशय कैंसर की सर्जरी क्या है

Vascular Surgeon in India, Drop Your Query Now! - GoMedii

  We should take care of our bodies because it is the only place we have to live in. Our body has different organs which perform many reactions in the body. One of our body systems is the vascular system also known as the circulatory system. Read this blog to know the best vascular surgeon in India . For more information book your appointment with GoMedii.

Apply For Ayushman Card In These Easy Ways - GoMedii

  The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) popularly also called as Ayushman Bharat Yojana Scheme is the flagship scheme of the Government of India. It is generally a health insurance scheme to cater to the poor, the lower section of society, and the vulnerable population. To avail of this, you must apply for Ayushman Card . The scheme provides financial protection in case of hospitalization due to medical emergencies. This article is a detailed guide about the government’s health insurance scheme’s eligibility,  benefits, features, and application process. Read More: Apply For Ayushman Card In These Easy Ways

Affordable Tonsil Surgery In India, Book Now!

Do you know? Our bodies have different defense lines and mechanisms that help the body fight off bacteria and viruses that enter and enter the body. Our mouth, nose and skin all act as the first line of defense. Tonsils are present in the mouth and act as the first line of defense and prevent the entry of harmful organisms. If the exposure is too high it will lead to infection in the tonsils. If you are looking for affordable tonsil surgery, Book your appointment with GoMedii . For more information related to surgery and other symptoms. Read More:  Affordable Tonsil Surgery in India

Meningitis Treatment In India, A Life-Changing Solution

  Meningitis is a dangerous and life-changing condition that affects thousands of people every year. Especially in countries where the disease is widespread, and treatments are few and far between, it can cause permanent damage. In such a situation, treatment of meningitis in India can be a life-saving measure. Medical care and healthcare in India have made great strides in recent years, including the treatment of meningitis. International patients can easily avail of world-class meningitis treatment in India at an affordable cost through GoMedii . At GoMedii , we support our international patients as not only medical tourism partners but medical treatment partners as well. To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding meningitis treatment in India, just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at , regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Read More:  Meningitis Trea...

Oral Surgeons in India Book Appointment

 Poor oral hygiene can lead to various dental problems such as cavities and gum disease and has also been linked to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Maintaining healthy gums and teeth is a lifelong commitment. With GoMedii you can get treatment from the best oral surgeon in India. leave a question! Get treated by the best Oral surgeons in India Taking care of your oral health is a must. You should know that there are tons of organisms resting on your tongue, you must not let them affect your well-being!  What is oral surgery?   Oral surgery is a broad term for any operation performed on the gums, jaw, teeth, or surrounding oral and facial structures. It includes a wide range of procedures, dental bone grafts, teeth extractions, periodontal (gum) grafts, and corrective jaw surgery. Read More: 8 Best Oral Surgeons in India, Book Appointment

दिल्ली एनसीआर के बेस्ट ईएनटी डॉक्टर

 ईएनटी विशेषज्ञ या ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर होते हैं जो कान, नाक और गले से संबंधित समस्याओं का निदान और इलाज करते हैं। वे सिर और गर्दन से जुड़ी समस्या का इलाज करने में भी सक्षम हैं। ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट या ईएनटी (ENT) विशेषज्ञता चिकित्सा का क्षेत्र है जो कान, नाक, गले, सिर और गर्दन का इलाज करते हैं। दिल्ली एनसीआर के बेस्ट ईएनटी डॉक्टर  डॉ बी के अग्रवाल एमबीबीएस, एमएस – ईएनटी, ईएनटी / ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट अनुभव 37 साल डॉ राजेश के.आर. भारद्वाज एमबीबीएस, एमएस – ईएनटी, डीएनबी – ईएनटी, ईएनटी / ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट, पीडियाट्रिक ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट, ओटोलॉजिस्ट / न्यूरोटोलॉजिस्ट, अनुभव 39 साल   डॉ संजीव डांगो एमएस – ईएनटी, एमबीबीएस, ईएनटी / ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट, अनुभव 40 साल डॉ. प्रो. पद्मश्री जेएम हंसो एमबीबीएस, एमएस – ईएनटी, डिप्लोमा इन ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजी (डीएलओ), ईएनटी / ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट, अनुभव 44 साल   डॉ राजीव पुरी एमबीबीएस, एमएस – ईएनटी, ईएनटी / ओटोरहिनोलारिंजोलॉजिस्ट, हेड एंड नेक सर्जन, अनुभव 44 साल   डॉ संदीप सिंधु एमबीबीएस, एमएस – ईएनटी, ई...